Appleby Horse Fair 2024: Everything You Need To Know

This Website Is For Passion Not Profit

Contrary to some hideous and wild accusations about me making money off the Appleby horse fair (like it’s a crime for heavens sake) and for publishing what someone has claimed is false information when all my info comes straight off the web, I just publish it with a positive twist! (just for the record).

Please Remember That This Website Is For Passion Not Profit!

So lately I have been getting some strangers and their mates to message me with a load of abuse about how I should run this blog, and they started to try to dictate how to run my own ship! 

How dare they! Would i ever do the same to them in their waters? 


They claimed that my information is misleading when the very same information comes directly from the BBC and other news outlets. The rest of the information is based on real life Romany gypsy real life experiences. If that’s too hard for you to swallow or if you don’t like a picture that I have used (like you mentioned because it doesn’t fit with the narrative, TOUGH TITTY, it’s not your ship, so do me a favour and don’t bother coming to this website to try tell us how to run my show. 

New Changes Kicking In Soon On This Site

Over the coming few days, we will include in our blog posts (at the bottom of each one) the sources of where we have got the information from and show proof of our sources so it puts an end to this silly nonsense that someone is slinging around.

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Because at the end of the day, you may try boycott this website with your couple of pals but when it’s a huge success it will be too big of a machine for anyone to block or boycott.

All stupid comments like the ones I got yesterday get automatically rejected so it’s pointless sending them to me guys. I don’t read them I just see them in my trash folder where they belong.

I will not tolerate anyone trying to telling me how to run this website as this website is my own masterpiece and I get to shape it however I want.

My mission is to help my fellow travellers with factual information, entertainment and great stories about Appleby Horse Fair.

My other mission is to help promote it in a positive way, so if that’s a crime then I’m guilty as sin.


Finally, if I decide to make money from it to cover my expenses so be it, sue me! What’s this gotta do with anyone is beyond me.

My main mission in all of this is to help my fellow traveller to find and read helpful information that can make a positive change to them or their lives.


If you don’t like this website, instead of being bitter about it scroll on by!

Thanks to all the major support from the travelling community!

On the flip side of that coin, I just want to say a massive thanks to everyone who has shown mass support and love for this new venture of mine. The love I have received from my fellow travellers speaks volumes about them beyond all any nice words as you can imagine.

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Just know that I have got your back as you have got mine and I will forever defend you and your legacy for as long as I live so help me god!


This website is for the love of Appleby Horse Fair from the love and compassion of a traveller who just wants what’s best for us and our community.

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