Fake signs near Appleby Horse Fair

Anger At Fake Signs Near Appleby Horse Fair

Fake signs near Appleby Horse Fair anger the GRT community.
I have just been sent this story by one of our loyal readers about a sad case of residents in Kirkby Stephen who have placed fake signs up to deter travellers from stopping. How low can they go? But we are still coming. No fake signs will stop us!

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How Dare Anyone Put Fake signs Near Appleby Horse Fair Because That's a Hate Crime

Can you imagine the uproar if we started putting down illegal signs screaming that no blacks or Pakistanis are allowed to stop for a rest at the side of the roadside, especially when our horses need a rest break? It’s an absolute joke and whoever is the sneaky sausage doing pulling these stunts to try and get us to listen to them when they are NOT the official signs of any authority, we should then be legally allowed to throw them in the bin where they belong.

If you are the hateful person who done this and you’re reading this, GET A LIFE! and know that we are coming to Appleby Horse Fair and we will rest and stop our homes and horses wherever it’s legal and right to do so and there is nothing worms like you can do about it.

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Fake signs near Appleby Horse Fair

It Looks Like Children Have Made These Awful Fake Signs Near Appleby Horse Fair

If you do agree with me and think that these fake signs near Appleby Horse Fair are illegal and wrong on many levels, and you are local to the Kirky Stephen area, could you please discard these signs and do the right thing? That would certainly help enormously because if you guys don’t remove them, I’m sure someone from my community much angrier than me will use them as firewood.

We know that some of you don’t like us, or don’t want us parking up on the roadside to rest our horses but where else shall we stop? perhaps if the local Council was less racist and was more traveller friendly and could help us out more by providing official stopping places then we wouldn’t have to stop where you don’t us to be stopping. 

Perhaps you should take it up with the Council and get them to give us official stopping places and rest posts for our ponies and then you won’t have to make these stupid hateful signs that only make you look silly for assuming that we would not be able to find out that these signs are as fake as Simon Cowells cheeks.

If You See These Unofficial Fake Signs - REMOVE THEM ALL As They Are Illegal And POINTLESS

Fake signs near Appleby Horse Fair

Final Thoughts On This Whole Fake Sign Malarky!

I think whoever put these fake signs near Appleby Horse Fair did so to make a statement that we are not welcome, but we don’t care as we are coming to Appleby Fair and always will until the end of time, and also, to make some sort of scene to try to paint us out as bad people.

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It hasn’t worked, as you have just made yourselves look like fools, and we will not pay any attention to them. I hope someone removes them because they are illegal and nobody will listen to them, so what’s the point of them?

It’s sad how the residents at Kirky Stephen won’t even allow our horses to rest and get the breaks they deserve but they are the first ones to run to the RSPCA when we fail to give our horses water on time. Hmmm, I smell hypocrites! Why can’t you just leave us to have our horse fair in peace?

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