Appeal For Calm At Appleby Horse Fair

Appeal For Calm At Appleby Horse Fair

During this week’s Appleby Horse Fair, police have issued a call for calm. 

There are rumours going about Appleby and on social media that the locals plan to “barricade” the main routes to prevent travellers and Gypsies from coming for the yearly celebration. 

The Best Gypsy Horse Fair in the UK: Appleby Horse Fair 2024

Local Residents In Appleby Plan To Kick Off According To Social Media Rumours

Some residents of the town want to stop the thousands of people who are expected to attend the event because they say it destroys their livelihoods. 

“It needs to be a proper protest,” said an anonymous Facebook post asking if anybody had “a spare couple of hours to block the town on Saturday morning.”We must take a firm stance against all of them.

Although Cumbria police and the Multi-Agency Strategic Co-ordinating Group have called for calm, Cumbria Crack has not confirmed the rumours.

As the group chair and director of thriving communities for Westmorland and Furness council, Steph Cordon stated: “We are aware that this time of year can be very challenging for many people who live locally.”

“We would encourage anyone with concerns regarding issues or incidents relating to the fair to report them immediately so that they can be acted upon.

“The policing of Appleby Horse Fair is Cumbria Constabulary’s largest policing operation, with officers working in Appleby and the surrounding communities in the weeks leading up to the Fair, as well as during and after to keep people safe.

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The Multi-Agency Strategic Co-ordinating Group unites agencies that strive year-round to ensure that everyone who attends the Appleby Horse Fair has a safe and enjoyable experience.

The online CAG form allows users to report complaints, which are reviewed and handled by the group agencies handling the response to the fair every day.

In addition, non-emergency police concerns can be reported online, using 101, or by calling 999 in an emergency.

Final Thoughts…

I just think everyone should ignore the likes of social media and people on there trying their best to stir up trouble between the travellers and locals just so they can grab some bad news for them to report on and get more idiots to read their lies. 

Cumbria Crack is probably making things up to get more views on their silly and pointless rag

Just because they claim they heard about don’t make it true and if they haven’t confirmed if it’s FACT, why are they putting it out there in the public domain? Clearly to get a reaction.

I mean, this coming from a rag that claimed this website was misleading the public when most of my information comes from and a mixture of my own opinions and what’s already in the public domain. Looks like they have misinformed everyone along with the rest of you who bought their lies.

Keep Appleby Horse Fair alive and kicking. Stop listening to silly rumours and reading silly rags like Cumbria Crack which is probably run by a one man band from his bedroom in Carlisle.

See also  7 Kickass Business Ideas for Appleby Horse Fair 2024

2 thoughts on “Appeal For Calm At Appleby Horse Fair”

  1. Where are all the animal rights protestors protesting against horses being murdered at the Horse Fair – if the police can’t find the perpetrators the RSPCA and animal rights groups should step in – these people should not be allowed to get away with it!

    1. Sadly it was a tragic event and now it’s a Police matter. Really was upsetting to hear about this sad news about the horse that died. It’s weird how there is never no same level of condemnation aimed at the big race courses like the Grand National when a horse is killed? We condemn the silly actions of this man and in my eyes he should be banned from Appleby fair for life but will you say the same thing about horses killed everywhere else around the country? Thankfully, there are great team of volunteers at the fair and the brilliant people at the RSPCA who will monitor everything and try their best to avoid this type of tragic accident from happening again.

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