person holding gold and silver coins

Gypsies and Travellers Raise £24k Towards Appleby Town Toilets and Cleanliness

In a heartwarming display of community support and unity, members of the Gypsy and Traveller community have come together to raise an impressive £24,000 towards improving the public toilets and overall cleanliness of Appleby town. The fundraising efforts, which began in early spring, have garnered widespread praise and gratitude from the town’s residents and local authorities.

Gypsies And Travellers Come Together To Help Local Community

Together, Gypsies and Travellers have raised £24,000 to support the installation of makeshift public restrooms and cleanup efforts in Appleby Town over the course of the renowned Appleby Horse Fair over the next four years.

The money was granted by the Institute for Sustainable Organic Reform, a registered charity and community interest company that has previously contributed money to Gypsy  and Traveller projects, after conversations with members of Appleby Fair Gypsy and Traveller.

“This is an unprecedented development for the public benefit, planned in consultation with the relevant Councils. In addition to improving the facilities for visitors and sightseers,” said Appleby Fair Traveller representative Bill Lloyd.

With this amazing positive news about the good deeds from members of the gypsy community helping to foot any clean up bill, one thing is certain which should be disregarded is that you won’t see any of the main stream media outlets or press showing praise and sharing positive news stories especially this particular one in any way shape or form on their websites or platforms. It’s always negative but let’s kill them all with kindness and with these types of stories.

See also  Appleby Horse Fair Map 2024
Gypsies and travellers

All Gypsies And Travellers Can Be PROUD Of Their Hard Work At Making Positive Strides

Perhaps the MASCG, the Council run organisers who help to organise parts of Appleby Horse Fair at the costs of thousands of pounds, should show more love and positive vibes to the traveller community because their website is just full of negative vibes about us travelling folk and that’s plain to see by ZERO positive stories like the one that has just come out about travellers helping to raise 24k to help pay for the clean up bill.

Let’s hope the local Council can start being more pro traveller friendly and be more transparent about how they view the traveller community.

Gypsies and travellers

Don’t Allow The Negative Press To Ruin Our Appleby Horse Fair

One thing I promise is to showcase more POSITIVE posts on this website as oppose to the negative crap posted by the racist British newspapers and media companies who create and write their rubbish in order to maximise sales. Nobody isn’t buying their rubbish any more!

This website aims to show travellers in the true light and showcases all the best things about travellers and our amazing community and what great things we can do to the community especially Appleby when we all can pull together because at the end of the day when all is said and done, this beautiful travelling community that I call family will always destroy any stereotypes and shit that they try to make it stick on us and we will always defeat the prejudices and discrimination with love, not hate.

See also  MASCG Website Is Down

So keep doing what you’re doing and being you because in the end, family is what matters and community is where the heart lies and they can’t kill that.

Evaluating Negative Portrayals of Gypsies in the British Press

Well Done To ALL You Amazing Gypsies And Travellers For Raising The Clean Up Money

Let me say thanks to all you amazing people for helping to raise money and show everyone that you’re amazing people through the kind actions of you guys. You’re truly inspirational and this should inspire more great acts of charity and if I see them, I will be first to report them and share them on this website/blog.

Final Thoughts

Through all the bad press that we have to read about us traveller folk, there will always be suppressed stories like this one about gypsies and travellers coming together to do great things and I’m so proud to share some positive stories like this one with you guys so trust me when I say that I will be solely focusing on highlighting much more positive traveller stories.

Its about damn time that world understand that not every traveller is bad in the same way not every Muslim is bad. Perhaps if the world stopped generalising and stopped judging people then perhaps they would see the greatness in things that our community does when they stop being ignorant and realising that we bring more good than bad to the world.

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